A ball in stilettos until the morning!

How many times have you gone to a party in high heels, but just in case you had more comfortable ballerinas in your handbag? Well, maybe they don't quite go with a glittery ball gown, but after two or three hours in high heels, your legs just won't do. Surviving an entire night in stilettos is a challenge, and it's no wonder we're looking for ideas so we don't deny ourselves the pleasure of going wild on the dance floor.
What's more, it's not just your feet that hurt in stilettos or chafing if you've bought new shoes just for the occasion. Sometimes the whole leg hurts, and that's more problematic, regardless of whether you're 20, 40, or 60. However, there are clever ways to prevent leg pain from ruining your evening and ruining your outfit.
Choose the perfect shoes
Easier said than done. After all, shoes not only have to be comfortable but also match the whole outfit. You can risk buying black universal stilettos, but pairing them with a powder pink outfit will be at least inappropriate. So what to look for when buying the right shoes?
First of all, it should not restrict your freedom of movement and allow you to walk naturally. The stiletto should lengthen your leg, but it should not make you walk like on stilts. Such a purchase is a guarantee of a failed party. Or a successful one, but danced barefoot.
Already in the shop, it will be good to pay attention to whether the heel is located under the heel. Ideally, it should be placed directly under it. Then it will provide solid support and will not make us unnaturally bend our foot, resting it only on the toes.
Once we've bought the right footwear, of course, it's a good idea to stretch it out to break up and inactivate those areas of the shoe that may prove particularly troublesome.
Take care of your feet
With all carnival parties ending in horrendous pain in our legs, it will be worth taking comprehensive care of them.
In general, it doesn't hurt to walk more for yourself. It has a good effect on circulation and reduces the risk of varicose veins. These, by the way, have not only an aesthetic significance but if left untreated can also be very dangerous to health.
Interestingly, it is people with varicose veins who may sooner feel discomfort related to leg pain by dancing intensively on the dance floor. Special compression tights can be a good solution.
Compression tights - perfect for carnival
It may seem that compression stockings used for varicose veins are not something particularly recommended or aesthetically pleasing. This is a myth because good-quality compression stockings look practically the same as the classic ones. Therefore, you can wear them with any party outfit without worrying that someone will recognise their basic purpose.
What's more, you'll find them in different thicknesses and colours. So you can match them perfectly not only in terms of compression but also aesthetics so that they complement your style. However, their effect cannot be overestimated. It is one of the most effective ways of preventing varicose veins, but also completely imperceptible to us.
Moreover, compression tights make it possible to wear a mini dress because they reduce the visibility of varicose veins that have already appeared. In ladies, this is particularly important and can affect self-confidence. Another important advantage remains the fact that such compression stockings can be successfully worn not only at carnival parties but also daily.
They are made of the same materials as standard ones, i.e. elastane and polyamide. However, they differ in fibre structure, which allows them to have a therapeutic effect on circulation. Uniform compression on the whole surface of legs causes the moment of occurrence of pain in legs, their swelling or the feeling of heaviness can be postponed at least for a few hours.
These tights are also easy to match in terms of thickness, so you can find something for both extremely cold carnival season parties and something for summer.
Helpful tricks
Thoughtful shopping, unlacing your shoes, and wearing compression tights will certainly reduce the risk of not wanting to dance halfway through the party. However, there are two other tried and tested tricks.
One is to wrap plasters around the 3rd and 4th toes. Nerves run through them, which are most severely felt during all-night parties. It's also a good idea to get special gel shoe inserts, which will help to reduce the pain, e.g. above the heel.
Regardless of the tricks used, a resourceful woman will always have flat ballerinas at hand, which can be used as a last resort.