Leg pain at night - what could be the cause?

It might seem that leg pain is something that can be easily cured by eliminating at least the wrong lifestyle, a particular type of exercise or tight clothing. Indeed, this is possible to some extent.
However, as legs constitute quite a large area of our body, the causes of their pain can be many and some of them do not have to be related to excessive exertion at all.
A special case is night pain in the lower limbs. Sometimes it may be caused by too intensive training, and at other times by improper diet.
Sometimes, however, it may turn out to be a symptom of a more serious ailment, so you should not ignore this problem, especially if the pain in your leg has been bothering you for a long time.
What are the causes of leg pain?
Not every pain can be compared to each other. Two people may say they have leg pain at night, but for some it will be simple cramps and for others it will be radiating pain starting at the hip and ending at the foot.
It is therefore difficult to assume that in both cases the causes will be similar. The pain in the calf at the back is usually connected with muscle spasms.
This has to do with quite easy to eliminate causes, such as the loss of electrolytes. We lack magnesium, calcium, potassium, we are dehydrated e.g. by hot weather, and we follow a too restrictive diet. And this is how we can get painful cramps.
If we do not have any injuries, which are often responsible for leg pain, the reason may be rheumatism or even diabetes. Sometimes degeneration of the spine or feet is also responsible for such ailments.
If the pain in legs at night does not disappear after some time after introduction of dietary changes or after elimination of too long standing or sitting during the day, among the causes there are still possible restless legs disease, root syndrome or diseases connected with the vascular system. These include thrombophlebitis or atherosclerosis.
Causes of leg pain and vein diseases
Leg vein pain associated with pre-varicose vein conditions is not uncommon. It manifests itself as severe leg pain after staying in one position for too long - usually standing. What very often coexists with the pain is the feeling of heavy and swollen legs. Unaesthetic "spider veins" also begin to appear.
The occurrence of such ailments should become a warning signal of chronic venous insufficiency of legs. Untreated varicose veins, in turn, may result in thrombophlebitis. In this case night leg pain appears, but not only. We can also feel them during the day.
Swelling of lower legs and appearance of veins visible under the skin with a strong blue tint should also be alarming. Pharmaceutical preparations such as leg pain tablets with analgesic and anti-inflammatory properties may help in this situation. However, it is better to go for a more precise diagnosis to a specialist who will help you to match the right therapy.
How to fight leg pain?
First of all, you should not ignore even the smallest disturbing complaints. In the initial stages of more serious illnesses, leg pain can appear quickly and disappear just as quickly after a moment's rest.
It is a good idea to implement prophylaxis protecting against varicose veins, because it also translates into a good condition of the whole body. It means, among other things, avoiding too tight clothes, especially those with elastic bands limiting the free flow of blood.
Staying in one position for too long is unfavourable for the body, so if you have a sedentary job, it is worth getting up every hour, stretching, taking a walk around the office. If we do our duties standing up, we should also take a walk, sit down for a while, etc. It is beneficial to incorporate more movement into your daily routine.
Sometimes the right physiotherapy can also have the desired effect. A simple walk or Nordic walking can already make a huge difference. It is also a good idea to eliminate stimulants, especially alcohol and cigarettes. It does not hurt to reduce the consumption of coffee.
It is also worth drinking more mineral water and diversifying your diet with products rich in iron, magnesium and vitamins, especially those from the B group. If your doctor has diagnosed you with venous insufficiency, it is better to avoid saunas and even sunbathing.
Varicose veins are caused by impaired blood flow - lack of movement, which among other things helps pumping blood to the heart, causes it to accumulate in veins, stretching them. When you rest, you should elevate your legs - this facilitates the circulation. In order to improve blood flow, special tights with varying degrees of compression can also be used.
They press evenly on the whole surface of the legs, therefore their effect is beneficial, in contrast to clothes whose rubber elements may press intensively in one place (e.g. underwear - groin or socks - calves just above the ankles). Ointments with diosmin or rutin, whose task is to reduce the elasticity and increase the strength of blood vessel walls, can also be helpful.